In the event of the death of your spouse and/or dependent children while insured, the amount of Dependent Life Insurance as specified in this website is payable to you. If you are no longer living, the benefit will be payable to your estate.
Spouse: $20,000
Child: $10,000
Premium Waiver
If you become totally disabled in accordance with the terms and conditions as described under Member Life Insurance, and Waiver of Premium is approved for your Life Insurance, then the premium requirement for the Dependent Life benefit will also be waived until the earliest of:
- the date your Waiver of Premium for Life Insurance ceases, or
- the date the policy or coverage terminates.
See the Member Life Insurance section of this website for further details of this waiver benefit.
Conversion Option
An individual life insurance policy issued by the Insurer may be purchased on the life of a spouse if the insurance ceases due to your insurance terminating, a change in your classification, or your spouse’s status as a dependent, or because of your death. The conditions under which this policy may be purchased are the same as those described in the Member Life Insurance section of this website, however the policy will be on the life of the spouse and the premium rate will be based on the spouse’s age. You will be the owner of the individual policy, unless you are deceased and then your spouse will be the owner. You or your spouse should contact the Administrator for details.
If the policy is terminated and your spouse has been continuously insured with this Trust Fund for at least five years, a conversion privilege is available but the amount of the individual policy you can purchase shall be limited to three times the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings as established under the Canada Pension Plan, less any amount for which the spouse become eligible under another group policy within 31 days of the date of discontinuance of this insurance.
Written application together with the initial premium due must be submitted to the insurance company within 31 days of the date your spouse's coverage terminates.
If the spouse dies within the 31 day period during which the spouse’s life insurance could have been converted, the Insurer will pay the maximum amount of the insurance that could have been converted. If an individual policy has already been issued through conversion, no payment shall be made through this provision unless the individual policy is surrendered without payment of claim. Upon surrender the Insurer shall refund premiums paid on the individual policy.
Extension of Benefits in the Event of Your Death
Dependent Life coverage for dependents shall continue as long as there is sufficient money in your dollar bank from which to make the required deductions.
Any extended benefits payable are subject to the provisions and limitations of the Trust Fund.